Search results for ' Academy College'

Study options after Class X/ XII

Study options after Class X/ XII

Rediff.com19 May 2006

According to career counsellors Srividya and Charmaine Vaz, you can achieve your dream with hard work and an aptitude for your field of interest.

How should you dress for a GD?

How should you dress for a GD?

Rediff.com31 Jan 2006

Brijesh Singh and Jatinder Vohra of Top Careers & You tip you off on how to get admission to your dream B-School.

How to convert your B-School call

How to convert your B-School call

Rediff.com31 Jan 2006

Trainers Brijesh Singh and Jatinder Vohra of Top Careers & You advise MBA aspirants about B-School admissions.

CAT: Taking on the GD and more

CAT: Taking on the GD and more

Rediff.com10 Jan 2006

The IIMs have declared the CAT results. What next? CAT trainers ARKS Srinivas and Rahul Reddy of T.I.M.E. tip you off.

New IITs: A report card

New IITs: A report card

Rediff.com27 Dec 2005

Ace your Group Discussion/Interview

Ace your Group Discussion/Interview

Rediff.com30 Nov 2005

In a chat with Get Ahead readers on November 29, trainers Gautam Puri and Arun Wadhwa of Career Launcher (I) had this advice to offer MBA aspirants.

Will you get calls from the IIMs?

Will you get calls from the IIMs?

Rediff.com21 Nov 2005

CAT trainers ARKS Srinivas and Rahul Reddy chatted with Get Ahead readers post CAT. Here is the transcript.

CAT: Aim for a score of 65+

CAT: Aim for a score of 65+

Rediff.com19 Nov 2005

CAT trainer Asan Darsari suggested these tips to CAT aspirants.

'Revamp domestic cricket culture'

'Revamp domestic cricket culture'

Rediff.com13 May 2005

Help the BCCI clean up its act... Readers' responses.

'Why is Dalmiya in the panel?'

'Why is Dalmiya in the panel?'

Rediff.com7 May 2005

Readers' take on the newly-formed panel to select the new coach.

The lion in winter

The lion in winter

Rediff.com31 Mar 2005

An interview with one of the greatest masters of Indian fiction, O V Vijayan.

The making of new IITs

The making of new IITs

Rediff.com23 Mar 2005

Are you watching your diet?

Are you watching your diet?

Rediff.com13 Dec 2004

Look good, eat right, work out well and lose weight, was fitness expert Samreedhi Sharma's advice to Get Ahead readers in her hour-long chat.

Creating Champions

Creating Champions

Rediff.com16 Jun 2004

Sam Bahadur

Sam Bahadur

Rediff.com3 Apr 2003

The charisma that surrounds the man had preceded him and soldier and officer alike knew the 'chosen one' had arrived and henceforth all would be well.

Sam Bahadur!

Sam Bahadur!

Rediff.com3 Apr 2003

'He was believed to finish his own work in an hour and spend the remainder of the time walking from one office to another, sitting down with the harried junior staff and helping them sort out the problems they were working on.'

Collecting on calls

Collecting on calls

Rediff.com22 Mar 2003

Vice-Admiral Bangara on the NDA

Vice-Admiral Bangara on the NDA

Rediff.com4 Mar 2003

'None of the crème of our youth is opting for the military,' says Vice-Admiral S C S Bangara, commandant of the National Defence Academy.

Of one man armies

Of one man armies

Rediff.com30 Dec 2002

Backchat, Monday morning edition

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